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Creating Square Instances

Squares are fundamental geometric shapes, and GeoLib makes it easy to create square objects and perform calculations. Note: texts after the # sign are just comments to help you, hence they're not part of the original code.

from geolib import Square

#Create a square with a side length of 5 units
square = Square(5)

#Print the square's attributes
print(square)  # Output: Square(side_length=5)

Squares: area & perimeter

Once you have created a Square instance, you can easily calculate its area and perimeter

# Calculate the area and perimeter of the square
print("Square Area:", square.area)  # Output: Square Area: 25

print("Square Perimeter:", square.perimeter)  # Output: Square Perimeter: 20

Squares: scaling

GeoLib also allows you to scale the square by a factor :


# Scale the square by a factor of 2

print("New Side Length:", square.side_length)  # Output: New Side Length: 10

Creating Triangle Instances

GeoLib supports triangles, providing features like area calculation using Heron’s formula and checking if the triangle is right-angled. first lets see how to create a triangle instance :


from geolib import Triangle

# Create a triangle with side lengths of 3, 4, and 5 units
triangle = Triangle(3, 4, 5)

# Print the triangle's attributes
print(triangle)  # Output: Triangle(a=3, b=4, c=5)

Triangles: area & perimeter

Once you have created a Triangle instance, you can proceed to calculate its area and perimeter


# Calculate the area and perimeter of the triangle
print("Triangle Area:", triangle.area)  # Output: Triangle Area: 6.0

print("Triangle Perimeter:", triangle.perimeter)  # Output: Triangle Perimeter: 12

### Triangles: right-angled?

GeoLib includes a method to check if a triangle is right-angled :

# Check if the triangle is a right-angled triangle
print("Is the triangle right-angled?", triangle.is_right_angle())  # Output: True

Comparing Shapes

This library allows you to compare shapes easily. You can compare two squares or two triangles based on their area or side lengths :


# Comparing squares
square1 = Square(4)
square2 = Square(6)

print(square1 == square2)  # Output: False
print(square1 < square2)   # Output: True

# Comparing triangles
triangle1 = Triangle(3, 4, 5)
triangle2 = Triangle(5, 5, 8)

print(triangle1 == triangle2)  # Output: False
print(triangle1 < triangle2)   # Output: True

That's it! (for now 😃)